
wild life channel untuk edukasi

jika anak-anak Indonesia banyak mendapat sajian program TV seperti ini...tentu anak-anak Indonesia akan lebih banyak memperoleh pengayaan pengetahuan

Reflection Ramadhan

Sya'ban sudah setengah bulan dijalani. Doa dipanjatkan "Ya Allah berkahilah kami di bulan Rajab dan Sya'ban...dan sampaikanlah kami kepada bulan Ramadhan". Malam medio Sya'ban jadi istimewa karena ada gerhana bulan yang tampak di wilayah Indonesia bagian Barat. Disunnahkan untuk shalat gerhana. Subhanalah...Ramadhan bulan suci penuh keberkahan hampir tiba. What an amazing time! Setiap kali Ramadhan banyak hikmah yang sampai pada setiap diri kita masing-masing dengan cara yang berbeda-beda. Menyambut Ramadhan saya ingin berbagi dengan Anda nasheed Sami Yusuf agar kita selalu cinta Allah dan cinta RasulNya Muhammad SAW dan semoga kita sampai di bulan Ramadhan dengan ikhlas menjalankan ibadah puasa menahan haus, lapar dan hawa nafsu.

Ayo Belajar Bahasa Indonesia!

Di dunia akademik, bahasa Indonesia mulai dilirik oleh kalangan dosen dan peneliti ilmu sosial setidaknya sejak pertengahan akhir tahun 1970-an. Seorang dosen senior ilmu politik, Wittaya Sucharitanarugsa, dari Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, sampai harus belajar bahasa Indonesia secara intensif di Australia sebelum meneliti Indonesia. Meningkatnya penutur bahasa Indonesia di kalangan asing, mestinya membawa kabar gembira bagi bangsa ini. Ya, setidaknya menjadi kado hari ulangtahun kemerdekaan Indonesia yang ke-63. Bangsa ini adalah bangsa yang besar dan mestinya bangga jika semakin banyak bangsa asing yang bersedia belajar bahasa Indonesia. Pembinaan Bahasa Indonesia yang cuma hadir di TVRI mungkin perlu juga ya ditayangkan di TV swasta. Bertambahnya perguruan tinggi Thailand yang menawarkan pengajaran bahasa Indonesia mungkin bisa menjadi salah satu indikator meningkatnya minat or

My Beautiful Country

Raja Ampat Island is the most western district of the Indonesian province of Papua. Raja Ampat consists of an area surrounding four major island off the western coast of Birds Head Panisula of New Guinea Island. The western half of which is Indonesia and the eastern half, Papua New Guinea. The province was called Irian Jaya, and its a cluster of over 1500 small Islands. Raja Ampat is the most bio-diverse location in the world more than 3000 species of fishes and over 300 species of corals have been identified here, in a single one and half hour dive you can identified more than 282 fish species and more than 400 species. Till this very day the area is virtually unexplored and unknown due to its size. This area as there are still many remnants of WW II. The Roughest seas and decreased visibility in the Raja Ampat area are from mid-June until the end of August. During the rest of the year, the sea is mostly very smooth whit good visibility. (read more)

Rektor Paramadina di Foreign Policy Magazine

Anies Baswedan's thoughts have been considered so influential that Foreign Policy magazine has rated this Rector of Paramadina University 60th on a list of the world's top 100 intellectuals. Critical of the dominance of a cultural approach to Muslim-Western conflicts, he believes conflict is not triggered by cultural, religious, or civilisational identity, but by a calculation of interests. He expands on this concept in an interview with Jakarta-based journalist, Wahyuana. (read more)

Olimpiade Beijing 2008

Every four years, the summer Olympics gives the world not only a display of human athletic achievement but a chance to assess the ebbs and flows of the world’s most intractable diplomatic... (read more) berdiri di atas penderitaan Tibet !?! Gadget by

Tokoh Sastra Dunia Alexander Solzhenitsyn meninggal

Alexander Solzhenitsyn , the Soviet dissident writer and Nobel literature prize winner who revealed the horror of Stalin's camps to the world, died late on Sunday aged 89, Russian news agencies reported. His monumental work "The Gulag Archipelago," written in secrecy in the Soviet Union and published in Paris in three volumes between 1973 and 1978, is the definitive work on Stalin's forced labor camps, where tens of millions perished. Other literary works, including a series of historical novels and political pamphlets, were banned from publication in the Soviet Union, where their distribution was made a criminal offence. Major works including "The First Circle" and "Cancer Ward" brought Solzhenitsyn world admiration and the Nobel Literature Prize in 1970. (read more)