
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2008

Kick Andy, my fave TV show di UTube

selalu ada yang dinanti dan timbul penasaran saat Kick Andy muncul di MetroTV ..Kamis malam.atau Ahad sore..tampil segar, simpatik, ada tawa, ada air mata dan segala rasa....ada buku gratis...meski aku belum pernah mendapatnya (more...)

bicycle city Indonesia!!!

The President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and first lady Ani Bambang Yudhoyono support the community of Bike2Work and Save the Energy Indonesia is the largest archipelago nation in the world and is comprised of five main islands, Java (most populous), Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan and Papua as well as 17,000 other small islands (6,000 inhabited), according to Infoplease. Each island has its own coastal and mountain regions, many which could serve as ideal potential Bicycle City, Indonesia, development locations. A newly-found interest in conservation is in alignment with the goals of possible Indonesia Bicycle City development. Rich in native plants and wildlife, a number of conservation organizations have recognized the importance of preserving the indigenous character of the islands, according to Conservation International. The Nature Conservancy has joined with nine Indonesian and international organizations to establish the Conservation Training and Resource Center in B

stop tobacco from Bill Gates

Can you imagine, co-founder Microsoft Bill Gates , the billionaires seriously to fight what he called a global tobacco epidemic. With his wife, Belinda, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will invest more than US$ 100 million over for the next four years. They would go to anti-smoking groups working together with governments of developing countries. And I hope Indonesia will receive the money also to curb tobacco use. I think the Indonesian government should back or support such as much higher taxes on tobacco, bans on advertising such as on TV, outdoor billboard, promotion and sponsporship that usually in music promo-tour. (more....)

taking care of our "house" - earth!

I seldom read National Geographic Magazine or watch the Imax documenter films ..make me more aware about how being "greener".. ...and...beginning just beyond the window, and extending past the boundaries of your town or city across the Earth's surface, an amazing variety of habitats awaits—along with the plants and animals that live in them. Get outside! Check out a wildlife refuge near you.... (see more)


Beginning just beyond the window, and extending past the boundaries of your town or city across the Earth's surface, an amazing variety of habitats awaits—along with the plants and animals that live in them. Get outside! Check out a wildlife refuge near you.

Going Green from your home!

Most modern synthetic cleaning products are based on age-old formulas using natural ingredients that were passed down through the generations because the chemistry was right. Going back to the original naturally derived ingredients is a way to make cleaning products that work, don’t pollute and save you money. Most are found in your kitchen cupboards. Mix and match with well-chosen and environmentally friendly green cleaning products found in health food stores, and you can easily and simply transform your home into a non-toxic and healthy haven. Non-toxic cleaning can give you a deep feeling of gratification in knowing that your family’s health is protected, and that your home is a place for your bodies to rest and recuperate rather than promote harm. Making your own nontoxic cleaning kit will take you no time at all with these simple, straightforward directions, and with this kit you will be supplied with enough cleaning product for months of cleaning. As an added bonus, ounce for ou

Learn More About Islam

Want to know more about Islam....please do not hesitate to read deeper about * What is Islam and Who are the Muslims? * Free Islamic Books (E-book) and you can download for free in all languages (more than 60 languages!) and you can download Qur'an (read more....) more than that...thank God it's Friday...for every moslem all over the world Friday is a very special day..going pray to the Mosque and listening the khutbah Jum'at.

No Smoking Please!!

Tobacco is a plant grown for its leaves, which are smoked, chewed, or sniffed for a variety of effects. It is considered an addictive substance because it contains the chemical nicotine. In addition to nicotine, tobacco contains over 19 known cancer-causing chemicals (most are collectively known as "tar") and more than 4,000 other chemicals. These include acetone, ammonia, carbon monoxide, cyanide, methane, propane, and butane. Over 38 million people in the United States have successfully quit smoking. Yet there are still around 50 million Americans who smoke. The majority say they would like to quit. And, while the number of cigarette smokers in the United States has dropped over recent years, the number of smokeless tobacco users has steadily risen. This trend is likely related to the false belief that smokeless tobacco is safe. It is NOT. Smokeless tobacco carries many of the same health risks as cigarettes. Some people who want to stop smoking, but who still crave th
Trash pickers Represent Global Environmental Force July 13, 2008 · Global trashpickers contribute immensely to recycling efforts that help the environment: At an estimated 15 million people worldwide, trash pickers make up about 1 percent of the global urban population Brazil claims the world’s highest aluminum recycling rate, at nearly 90 percent — not because of recycling programs and other incentives to reuse, but thanks to the country’s estimated 500,000 trash pickers Brazilian trash pickers salvage about 33,000 tons of recyclables a day In Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous country, trash pickers recycle a third of all garbage In Argentina, the country’s poor earns about $220 a month, and trash picking generates about $170 million a year in Buenos Aires alone So, next time you see someone in your neighborhood scrounging through street-side recycling bins, realize that you are looking at a member of our world’s most efficient recycling force! Sou

why..sanctuary land?

Apa sih yang bikin saya memberi nama My Sanctuary land untuk blog biruku ini? Terinspirasi dari sebuah tempat yang diberi nama Noble Sanctuary di Jerusalem sana. Tempt itu adalah tempat suci, tempat untuk berkontemplasi, untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih baik. Dan juga untuk belajar mengenai kehidupan ini. Begitu pula di My Sanctuary Land ini, adalah tempat saya berteduh, berkontemplasi merenungkan arti hidup, membuat saya belajar untuk menjadi yang lebih baik lagi. Di sini juga tempat saya menuangkan tulisan yang insya Allah menjai inspirasi baik untuk diri sendiri juga buat teman-teman yang mau datag ke blog ini. Mengapa theme yang dipilih ada bunganya dan kok warnanya biru?...Ya, karena saya adalah penggemar warna biru. Yang menggambarkan keteduhan langit biru yang luas tak terbatas menimbulkan inspirasi cerah, begitu pula laut membiru yang menampakkan kedalamannya laut itu sendiri. Semoga dengan itu saya banyak mengambil hikmah dri birunya langit dan birunya laut. AT THE HEART OF

SUKUK, Islamic Bond

Siraj Capital (Dubai) Ltd together with alClick (Dubai) Ltd announced today the launching of - - an online portal dedicated to Islamic Bonds, 'Sukuk' and Islamic financing. aims to be the definitive source of information on the global Sukuk market and the premier online portal for the Sukuk industry. The Islamic debt market, both foreign and domestic, has been the most rapidly growing segment of Islamic finance. In Malaysia, for example, the Islamic corporate bonds amounted to $36bn, or 48% of the total corporate bond issued in 2007. The domestic bond market plays a crucial role in ensuring that the financing needs of the economy are being fulfilled. (more...)

SUKUK, Islamic Bond

Siraj Capital (Dubai) Ltd together with alClick (Dubai) Ltd announced today the launching of - - an online portal dedicated to Islamic Bonds, 'Sukuk' and Islamic financing. aims to be the definitive source of information on the global Sukuk market and the premier online portal for the Sukuk industry. The Islamic debt market, both foreign and domestic, has been the most rapidly growing segment of Islamic finance. In Malaysia, for example, the Islamic corporate bonds amounted to $36bn, or 48% of the total corporate bond issued in 2007. The domestic bond market plays a crucial role in ensuring that the financing needs of the economy are being fulfilled. (more...)

The Challenges Are Huge, But Everyone In The Asia-Pacific Region Can Enjoy A Decent Home

IMAGINE A WORLD in which everyone who needs shelter is safely and affordably housed. This need is very real in the Asia-Pacific region where some 580 million people live in slums, representing two-third of the world’s slum dwellers. Rapid population growth and urbanization add to the urgency of the housing need. By 2030, cities and towns across Asia will be home to an estimated 2.6 billion people. Almost as many – 2.2 billion – will be seeking to build better lives in difficult rural areas. The majority will be poor. But each is an individual with potential, aspirations and dreams. The ambitious United Nations Millennium Development Goals, the globally agreed drive to tackle poverty and deprivation in all its forms, include specific calls for “a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers by 2020”. Habitat for Humanity International puts such goals into reality by transforming lives through the provision of safe, decent and affordable home

Jakarta talks on Palestine homes today

by Ghazanfar A. Khan | Arab News RIYADH: More efforts to establish an independent Palestinian state and a renewed move to generate global support for capacity-building for Palestinians will top the agenda of a high-profile ministerial conference which opens in Jakarta today. Representatives from more than 100 Asian and African countries including Saudi Arabia are gathering for the conference which is being organized within the framework of the New Asian-African Strategic Partnership (NAASP). “A six-member Saudi delegation led by Dr. Yusef Al-Sadoun, the deputy foreign minister for economic and cultural affairs, has left for Jakarta to attend the two-day conference,” said B. Wishnu Krisnamurthi, a spokesman of the Indonesian Embassy, here yesterday. Krisnamurthi said that the summit “will be decisive in the process of re-building Palestine.” (more....) famous quotes

Morning Sickness May Protect Embryos From Toxins

As irritating as morning sickness may be for pregnant women, it may protect embryos. Doctors have long known that morning sickness — the nausea and vomiting usually experienced in early pregnancy — is actually a good sign of a healthy pregnancy, despite the discomfort it brings. However, scientists have debated whether morning sickness actually helps pregnancies succeed. It could just be an annoying byproduct of a healthy pregnancy, as pregnant women and their embryos carry out a tug of war over the body's resources. When and why To see which explanation might be right, scientists analyzed medical research to see when morning sickness does and does not occur. If morning sickness was just the byproduct of a healthy pregnancy, then it should accompany all healthy pregnancies. "But it doesn't," said researcher Samuel Flaxman, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Although two-thirds of pregnant women do experience morning sickness, the rest

Dalai Lama Defends Islam, Looks Toward 'Complete' Retirement

BETHLEHEM, Pennsylvania — The Dalai Lama said that "it's totally wrong, unfair" to call Islam a violent religion. The Tibetan spiritual leader, appearing Sunday at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, offered a defense of Islam in response to a question about the rise of violent religious fundamentalism. He added that he has made a point of reaching out to Muslims since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The Dalai Lama arrived at Lehigh on Thursday for a series of talks on a 600-year-old Buddhist text. He took a break Sunday to lecture on "Generating a Good Heart," and afterward took questions from Lehigh President Alice P. Gast that had been submitted in advance by the public. Asked why so many Americans are depressed and anxious, he joked: "I'm the wrong person to ask. You should ask Americans." Then he answered that U.S. society is too competitive and that people always want "something more, something more, something more." The Dalai Lama,

Apa Efek Kehamilan Lewat Waktu?

dr. Komang Wahyu Budiartha KEHAMILAN postterm atau "lewat waktu" merupakan salah satu kehamilan risiko tinggi. Kekhawatiran dalam menghadapi kehamilan seperti ini adalah meningkatnya risiko morbiditas dan mortalitas perinatal. Hal ini dihubungkan dengan menurunnya fungsi plasenta. Fungsi plasenta mencapai puncak pada umur kehamilan 38 minggu dan kemudian menurun terutama setelah 42 minggu. Akibat penuaan plasenta, pemasokan makanan dan oksigen ke janin menurun akibat berkurangnya sirkulasi uteroplasenter sekitar 50% yaitu menjadi 250 ml/mnt. Menurut WHO (1979) dan American College of Obstetricians ad Gynecologist (1977), postterm adalah kehamilan 42 minggu penuh (294 hari) atau lebih, dihitung dari hari pertama haid terakhir (HPHT), dengan asumsi ovulasi terjadi 2 minggu setelah haid terakhir. Angka kejadian kehamilan postterm bervariasi antara 3,5% - 14%. Terdapat kecenderungan pada beberapa ibu terjadi kehamilan postterm berulang. Faktor-faktor lain yang dinyatakan berhubun

Vaksin HPV, Harapan bagi Kesehatan Wanita

Oleh dr. Adhiatma Gunawan BANYAK orang telah mendengar tentang kanker cervix atau orang awam biasa mengenalnya sebagai kanker leher rahim. Kanker yang mengenai organ spesifik wanita di bagian mulut rahimnya tersebut merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian terbesar di dunia. Sampai hari ini belum ditemukan terapi spesifik yang dapat menyembuhkan kanker. Kemoterapi dan radioterapi hanya akan memperpanjang life survival rate seorang pasien. Kanker leher rahim disebabkan oleh human papilloma virus (HPV), dan jika diizinkan untuk menggunakan istilah medis, kanker itu berkaitan dengan HPV tipe 16 dan 18. Sekitar 70% kanker leher rahim disebabkan oleh kedua tipe HPV tersebut. Saat pasien didiagnosis dengan adanya pertumbuhan sel kanker di daerah mulut rahim, itu layaknya vonis mati bagi pasien dan keluarganya. Profesional medis umumnya akan menasihatkan pada setiap wanita yang telah menikah (atau aktif secara seksual), untuk melakukan pemeriksaan reguler secara berkala pada bagian mulut rahim
Your Happiness Will Bounce Back Psychologists have a phenomenon called a " life satisfaction set point ." The concept is much like the body weight set point, the notion that a person's weight may fluctuate over time but tends to stabilize at a certain level... Read more...


Brazilian president says speculators, not biofuels, to blame for soaring food prices The Star Sat, 12 Jul 2008 5:58 AM PDT JAKARTA , Indonesia (AP): Biofuel production is not to blame for soaring global food costs, Brazil's president said Saturday, calling for incentives for developing countries to grow food crops as a way out of the crisis. Indonesia, Brazil say to cooperate on biofuel AlertNet Sat, 12 Jul 2008 5:18 AM PDT Source: Reuters By Telly Nathalia JAKARTA , (Reuters) - The leaders of Indonesia and Brazil agreed on Saturday that their developing nations, home to much of the world's remaining tropical forest, would ..

Prayer Helps Us Chip Away Our Egotism

Religious Education Interfaith By: Karen Armstrong Washington Post, 7/10/2008 I always had difficulty with prayer. If God knows everything and is, as the Qur'an says, closer to me than my jugular vein, why did he need to hear my requests? I disliked the idea of a God who demands endless praise - he reminded me of a tyrant who demands constant, obsequious abasement from his subjects. Surely God did not need to be reminded that he had created the world and that we are all miserable sinners, as we say so frequently in our liturgy. And I had great problems with petition. Why should God answer my prayers, when he so clearly fails to heed the prayers of many hopeless people throughout the world? I also did not really believe in a God who would intervene in history and change the natural order: Why should he avert a storm from the location where I am planning a picnic and send the storm onto some other unfortunate folk? But then I came to understand that prayer is really for us. It is se

The Green Connection

An 11-story building in Beijing is one of the few places in China where you'll hear people speak fondly of Japan. Inside are the offices of the Sino-Japan Friendship Center for Environmental Protection, where experts study how Japan became one of the world's most energy-efficient countries, with the aim of applying those lessons and methods to China. The center, which monitors pollution levels and researches environmental technologies, is partially funded by the Japanese government. Even the office building was built with a $100 million grant from Tokyo. "Japan, on an international level, is a responsible country," says the center's vice director, Xia Guang. "We recognize that Japan's work promoting environmental protection in China has real seriousness and we thank the government and people of Japan." (more...)

Why Indonesia Can't do So?!

From a distance the bizarre structures sprouting from the high Alentejo plain in eastern Portugal resemble a field of mechanical sunflowers. Each of the 2,520 giant solar panels is the size of a house and they are as technically sophisticated as a car. Their reflective heads tilt to the sky at a permanent 45 degrees as they track the sun through 240 degrees every day. The world's largest solar photovoltaic farm, generating electricity straight from sunlight, is taking shape near Moura, a small town in a thinly populated and impoverished region which boasts the most sunshine per square metre a year in Europe. When fully commissioned later this year, the £250m farm set on abandoned state-owned land will be twice the size of any other similar project in the world, covering an area nearly twice the size of London's Hyde park. It is expected to supply 45MW of electricity each year, enough to power 30,000 homes. Portugal, without its own oil, coal or gas and with no expertise in nucl

Schwarzenegger Blasts Bush on Global Warming!

ABC News' Mary Bruce Reports: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, R-Calif., spoke out against President Bush this morning attacking his administration for its failure to counter global warming emissions. "This administration did not believe in global warming," Schwarzenegger told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview that will air Sunday on ABC's "This Week." "They just didn't believe in it or they didn't believe that they should do anything about it, since China is not doing anything about it and since India is not willing to do the same thing, so why should we do the same thing?" Schwarzenegger said. (more.....)

Anda Penderita Asma karena Alergi?

You're already familiar with asthma and its symptoms: coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. The type of asthma you have depends on what triggers your symptoms. If they are triggered by your body's reaction to year-round allergens in the air, you may have allergic asthma. This is the most common type, affecting more than 60% of Americans with asthma — 10 million adults and children. An allergic asthma attack can occur when you inhale allergens and your body's immune system responds by making too much of a substance called Immunoglobulin E (IgE). This causes chemical reactions that tighten and swell your airways, making it harder to breathe and potentially leading to an asthma attack. If you have allergic asthma, it's important to find out what allergens trigger your symptoms so you can avoid them as much as possible. Some of the most common ones include: dog and cat dander, dust mites, molds, and cockroach droppings. Is Your Current Treatment Enough Some patients h

Bahaya Arsen Mengancam Indonesia!

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -- Myanmar's cyclone-devastated Irrawaddy delta and Indonesia's Sumatra island face high risks of arsenic contamination in groundwater that could cause cancer and other diseases in residents, according to a new study. Temporary shelters are built in Myanmar's Kokko Village as residents try to recover from the cyclone. Temporary shelters are built in Myanmar's Kokko Village as residents try to recover from the cyclone. Using a digitalized model that examines geological features and soil chemistry in Southeast Asia, researchers writing in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Geoscience mapped several likely hot spots that had never been assessed for arsenic risks. "Obviously, there is concern," said Michael Berg, one of the five authors, who is a senior scientist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology in Dubendor, Switzerland. "If you look at our data, there is risk of arsenic in the ground water." Arsenic,

Find the Truth About Islam

Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad was the final Messenger of Allah (God) to humanity, and therefore the Quran is the last Message which Allah has sent to us. Its predecessors such as the Torah, Psalms, and Gospels have all been superceded. It is an obligation - and blessing - for all who hear of the Qur'an and Islam to investigate it and evaluate it for themselves. You will find content here that unites all of us in the Love of the same God. The God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed (pbut). Find out the truth about Islam and the Muslim perspective on many subjects ranging from the environment to terrorism, and from human rights to animal rights. Find simple yet frank analyses in comparative religion, promoting better appreciation one to another. (more...)

Aneka Pasta yg Mudah dibuat

Hmmh it's very easy to make this and we can serve in a few minutes, not more than 30 minutes. I usually serve this pasta for my hubby and my 3 children. One pack pasta is enough serving for 4-5 persons Presto Pasta is the ultimate one-dish meal. You can easily throw together a batch of tuna noodle casserole, pasta salad or macaroni and cheese with ingredients from your pantry for an almost-effortless weeknight dinner. And pasta recipes are fancy enough for a dinner party or special occasion, too. Whip up a quick batch of shrimp scampi or fettuccine alfredo to impress your family without spending all night in the kitchen. Here are another choice if you want to digg more recipes from the source directly.... taraaaa Top 10 Pasta Recipes: Creamy Macaron

children slavery!

Modern-Day Abolitionists 7/06/08 – ABC News: By Dan Harris Slavery has existed for thousands of years and, by some estimates, there are more slaves today than ever before. Click on the links below to learn more about how to help end this inhumane practice. E. Benyamin Skinner's book, "A Crime So Monstrous," inspired ABC News' "Nightline" investigation, "How To Buy a Child in Ten Hours" airing Tuesday, July 8 at 11:35 p.m. ET. Please click HERE to learn more about Skinner's book. One of the most prominent anti-slavery groups in the world today is called Free The Slaves . As the group explains on its Web site, "Free the Slaves was formed in response to Dr. Kevin Bales' groundbreaking book, 'Disposable People.'" Bales is the researcher who estimated that 27 million slaves exist on the planet today, more than at any other time in human history.


What Is Salmonella? Salmonella are bacteria that can live in the intestinal tracts of humans and other animals. While many strains can cause salmonella poisoning, an uncommon strain called Salmonella Saintpaul is involved in the recent outbreak in fresh produce. Any raw food of animal origin -- such as meat, poultry, milk and dairy products, eggs, and seafood -- and some fruits and vegetables may carry salmonella bacteria. ( more.... )

Miracles From Bamboo!!

Natural Bamboo is one of the world's most prolific and fastest-growing plants, and is able to reach maturity in about four years, compared to the typical 25 to 70 years for commercial tree species in the U.S. Bamboo is nature's most sustainable resource. It is grown without pesticides or chemicals, is 100% biodegradeable, and is naturally regenerative. Bamboo is actually a tropical grass with an extensive root system that sends out an average of four to six new shoots per year, naturally replenishing itself and growing to heights of 60 feet or more. Some bamboo species grow up to 4 feet per day and can be harvested every 3 to 4 years. In Asia, bamboo has been used in the traditional hand-made production of paper for centuries. Now, through modern manufacturing processes, bamboo pulp is capable of producing bamboo fiber for use in yarn and fabric. Bamboo is planted and grown on family-owned farms that have been in agricultural use for generations. None of the fiber comes from

Baby Green Bean --Bamboo Baby

Baby Green Bean -- Bamboo Baby Wednesday, July 09, 2008 Babies are more easily affected by pollutants than adults. Pound-for-pound, babies absorb more toxic elements and inhale more polluted air than adults. Children's organs and systems are still rapidly developing and are thus more vulnerable to damage from chemical exposure. One of the basic needs of humans, especially babies, is clothing. Clothing directly comes in contact with our bodies, and the manufacturing of certain fabrics negatively affect our earth. Synthetic fibers are created in large vats and are made entirely from chemicals, including the petroleum-based fibers such as nylon and polyester. Some synthetic fibers also include “green” PET fabrics (PolyEthylene Terephthalate) such as EcoSpun which is made out of recycled plast

Bahaya Salmonella Mengancam

Here is the article from America that we have to concern about raw foods More than 1,000 people in more than 40 US states are now confirmed to have become ill with salmonella since April, officials say. The US health authorities suspect the bacteria to be present in some raw tomatoes, chilli peppers and the coriander used in salsa. The outbreak is deemed to be the worst one of a food-borne illness in the US for more than a decade. Two people are said to have died, and 200 people have been taken to hospital. There have also been several cases in Canada. Investigators say they think there are several sources for the outbreak as many of those ill say they did not eat hot peppers or foods like salsa that contain them, Dr Robert Tauxe, food safety chief at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "We are quite sure that neither tomatoes nor jalapenos explain the entire outbreak at this point... We're presuming that both of them have caused illness," he told the A

Maintaining Your Healthy Bones

Osteoporosis is a clinical condition which is characterized by a high susceptibility to bone fracture. It is due to excessive bone loss and decreased bone density. The "disease" occurs most commonly in post-menopausal women because of reduced levels of the hormone estrogen, although some consider lifestyle, diet and exercise to be important factors affecting the disease as well. After menopause, 25% of white-skinned, Asian and brown-skinned women develop serious osteoporosis. Here are some easy-to-follow guidelines on maintaining healthy bones for both men and women: Exercise Exercise is the single most important thing one can do to preserve and increase one's bone mass. It is clear from research that the best kind of exercise for strong bones is weight bearing in nature. Activities such as running and brisk walking are ideal. But don't forget "fun" exercise like rope jumping, hiking, tennis and beach volleyball. Each of these activities is useful in strengt

10 Tips to Reduce Stress

Written by Work It, Mom! Team Want to bring your stress levels down a notch? Or do you actually have a spare moment (for once!) and want to try something new, to relax? Work It, Mom! members offered up some great ideas in several recent Q&As; we've highlighted the best of the best here. 1. Taking a moment to take some deep breaths was at the top of nearly everyone's list. Nataly heard the advice from her doctor, and Mandy Nelson, who moonlights as a yoga instructor, has even taught her daughter the simple technique (read her member note about it!) 2. Exercise fits the bill for many busy moms. While Lylah is trying to find time to do it, many members including Coach April hit the treadmill or the gym to work their stress away. Others, like Victoria, go for a brisk walk, and some members, like Jenn_Givler, crank up the tunes and dance. 3. Alanaransley gets in her car and drives -- fast. "Cranking up the radio and driving fast are really exciting to me, and alway


We shall overcome July 5th, 2008 African American Muslims have a role to play when it comes to the widespread Islamophobia (an irrational fear of Islam) that is prevalent in the West. The unfortunate fact is that some Americans see Muslims as a disease to be rooted out. However, as is the case with immunisation, the "disease" can sometimes also be the source of a cure. African Americans have faced derisive stereotyping before – including public name calling and a complete exclusion from basic human rights. Such behaviour created a marginalised cultural category and position in a pathological culture. And African Americans have struggled for generations to overcome this categorisation. So, when some in the United States negatively and aggressively stereotype Muslims as many people once did African-Americans, it provokes a latent hostility in the United States, conjured up by certain talk show hosts and others who use such labelling to garner support with their a


War drums becoming deafening July 6 2008 - The Americans and the Israelis are acting in concert vis-à-vis Iran. The unmistakable message they are putting out loud and clear is that an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities is on the cards in the event Tehran doesn’t cave into their demands. Are they bluffing as part of an arm-twisting strategy or are they seriously planning to transform this region into an inferno? [more...]

Traveling Insurance

International Health Insurance If you are traveling outside the country, or perhaps you are an exchange student going to another foreign land having an insurance handy is always good. But then again not all insurance company covers if you are outside the country. So if you will be traveling or going to study abroad, you need to check out International Travel Health Insurance in order to be safe and secure that whatever happens while you are away, you always have something to rely on. I remember when my mom was here, we keep telling her that she cannot get sick because we don't have any insurance for her since she was visiting. So we make sure that during winter and fall she is wearing the right clothing. Good thing she was all healthy during her stay her. But that was here, what if you are going to another country and you caught some virus and you need to be admitted to the hospital, having International Health Insurance is always handy. Blogging Resources: Anything and Every

Tofu's Addict is good for me and you

Thanks to my Mom who makes me tofu's addict... there always tofu, tempe, soyamilk and everything that made from soy everyday...well, here is an article about the benefit of soy Soy: It can prevent breast cancer - in one group of women Is soy good for you or not? This supposed super food has its champions, and an equal number of detractors, but it seems it can dramatically reduce the risk of breast cancer for one group of women. Postmenopausal women who have an above-average BMI (body mass index) enjoy the greatest protection from a soy diet, and they reduce their chances of breast cancer by 18 per cent. Women who have not reached the menopause, or who are slimmer, don’t seem to get any benefits from the food. Researchers, who studied the health profiles and diets of 35,303 women in Singapore, found that a daily amount of 10 mg of soy isoflavone, obtained in a standard serving of tofu, had lasting protective effects against breast cancer. (Source: British Journal of Cancer, 2008;

Brokoli Mencegah Kankaer Prostat

Back to Healthy News I t's been called the miracle vegetable - and now scientists are finally beginning to understand how broccoli is able to prevent diseases such as prostate cancer. Men who eat more than one serving a week of broccoli have a much lower risk of developing prostate cancer, and it seems the vegetable can interrupt 'cancer signals' to the prostate. Researchers from the Norwich Research Park assessed the health and genetic profile of two groups of volunteers who ate a diet that was high either in broccoli or peas for a year. The broccoli eaters showed significant changes in their chemical signaling, and the researchers concluded that the sulforaphane found in broccoli interfered with cancer-causing signals to the prostate. (Published on Saturday, July 05, 2008 by Healthy News Service)

Black Tea Aids Oral Health

Back to Healthy News According to the latest research, black tea is beneficial for overall oral health. Black tea, the most common among the three types of teas -black, green, and red - helps to prevent bad breath and facilitates the well-being of teeth and gums. While drinking black tea, the brew is actually getting rid of oral bacteria in the mouth. Polyphenols, one of the key components of black tea, has been found to inhibit growth of oral bacteria. New research presented by Christine Wu and Min Zhu of the University of Illinois states that catechins and theaflavins--polyphenols present in tea leaves--inhibit the growth of the oral bacteria. The bacteria killing action takes place over a 48-hour incubation period. Research further reports that the two tea compounds also help to eliminate bad breath. The compounds inhibit the proper functioning of an enzyme that acts as a catalyst in the production of hydrogen sulphide, which contributes to bad breath. Black tea also come


How does estrogen work? Estrogen in females works as a messenger during each mensual cycle. Estrogen together with ovarian hormones , signals cells in the breast to divide and multiply. Estrogen also signals the cells of the uterus to divide. Other hormones signal the ovaries to make estrogen, and then the ovaries force estrogen into the bloodstream. Estrogen travels through the blood, but only travels to the cells that have estrogen receptors like the breast and uterus. Estrogen has a shape that allows it to fit into an estrogen receptor the same way a key fits into a lock. The estrogen and the estrogen receptor bind to form a unit that enters the nucleus of the cell and this begins a series of events that turns on estrogen-responsive genes. These genes tell the cells to make proteins that signal the cells to carry out important activities. Some of these signaling proteins can tell the cell to divide. Estrogen is mainly produced by the ovaries, the corpus luteum, and the placenta.