Baby Green Bean --Bamboo Baby
Baby Green Bean -- Bamboo Baby
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
One of the basic needs of humans, especially babies, is clothing. Clothing directly comes in contact with our bodies, and the manufacturing of certain fabrics negatively affect our earth.
Synthetic fibers are created in large vats and are made entirely from chemicals, including the petroleum-based fibers such as nylon and polyester.
Some synthetic fibers also include “green” PET fabrics (PolyEthylene Terephthalate) such as EcoSpun which is made out of recycled plastic bottles.
Bamboo fiber is a revolutionary new fabric and one of the world's most sustainable resources. One of the amazing advantages of bamboo fiber includes versatility, strength and luxurious softness. For this reason, it's the ideal fabric for baby clothing.
Bamboo Benefits:
Cleans the Air: Bamboo consumes carbon dioxide, and while bamboo forests are so dense, it returns 30% more oxygen into the atmosphere than other average tree forests. Bamboo can remove up to 12 tons of carbon dioxide per hectare from the air.
Requires less to grow: Less water, and less energy are needed to sustain bamboo. Bamboo groves require less resources than other plants used for fiber production, as well as very little maintenance. Bamboo can survive drought conditions and even flooding.
Reclaims land: Bamboo can reclaim land destroyed by over-building and over-grazing in a very short time due to bamboo's rapid growth and root structure. Bamboo can also clean soil from toxins.
No Pesticides: Bamboo has its own anti-bacterial agents and can be grown without chemicals or pesticides.
Sustainability: Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants on the planet. It is a high-yield renewable resource. Bamboo can be harvested annually and can be completely regenerated without needing to be replanted.
Biodegradable: Bamboo is 100% bio biodegrable. Bamboo clothing is safe for disposal either by landfill and even incineration. Synthetic fibers incorporate petroleum additives.
And actually, in Indonesia bamboo made for chairs, bench, basket, beds etc
(look more...)
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