children slavery!
7/06/08 – ABC News: By Dan Harris
Slavery has existed for thousands of years and, by some estimates, there are more slaves today than ever before. Click on the links below to learn more about how to help end this inhumane practice.
E. Benyamin Skinner's book, "A Crime So Monstrous," inspired ABC News' "Nightline" investigation, "How To Buy a Child in Ten Hours" airing Tuesday, July 8 at 11:35 p.m. ET. Please click HERE to learn more about Skinner's book.
One of the most prominent anti-slavery groups in the world today is called Free The Slaves. As the group explains on its Web site, "Free the Slaves was formed in response to Dr. Kevin Bales' groundbreaking book, 'Disposable People.'" Bales is the researcher who estimated that 27 million slaves exist on the planet today, more than at any other time in human history.