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What Is Salmonella? Salmonella are bacteria that can live in the intestinal tracts of humans and other animals. While many strains can cause salmonella poisoning, an uncommon strain called Salmonella Saintpaul is involved in the recent outbreak in fresh produce. Any raw food of animal origin -- such as meat, poultry, milk and dairy products, eggs, and seafood -- and some fruits and vegetables may carry salmonella bacteria. ( more.... )

Bahaya Salmonella Mengancam

Here is the article from America that we have to concern about raw foods More than 1,000 people in more than 40 US states are now confirmed to have become ill with salmonella since April, officials say. The US health authorities suspect the bacteria to be present in some raw tomatoes, chilli peppers and the coriander used in salsa. The outbreak is deemed to be the worst one of a food-borne illness in the US for more than a decade. Two people are said to have died, and 200 people have been taken to hospital. There have also been several cases in Canada. Investigators say they think there are several sources for the outbreak as many of those ill say they did not eat hot peppers or foods like salsa that contain them, Dr Robert Tauxe, food safety chief at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "We are quite sure that neither tomatoes nor jalapenos explain the entire outbreak at this point... We're presuming that both of them have caused illness," he told the A

Maintaining Your Healthy Bones

Osteoporosis is a clinical condition which is characterized by a high susceptibility to bone fracture. It is due to excessive bone loss and decreased bone density. The "disease" occurs most commonly in post-menopausal women because of reduced levels of the hormone estrogen, although some consider lifestyle, diet and exercise to be important factors affecting the disease as well. After menopause, 25% of white-skinned, Asian and brown-skinned women develop serious osteoporosis. Here are some easy-to-follow guidelines on maintaining healthy bones for both men and women: Exercise Exercise is the single most important thing one can do to preserve and increase one's bone mass. It is clear from research that the best kind of exercise for strong bones is weight bearing in nature. Activities such as running and brisk walking are ideal. But don't forget "fun" exercise like rope jumping, hiking, tennis and beach volleyball. Each of these activities is useful in strengt

Tofu's Addict is good for me and you

Thanks to my Mom who makes me tofu's addict... there always tofu, tempe, soyamilk and everything that made from soy everyday...well, here is an article about the benefit of soy Soy: It can prevent breast cancer - in one group of women Is soy good for you or not? This supposed super food has its champions, and an equal number of detractors, but it seems it can dramatically reduce the risk of breast cancer for one group of women. Postmenopausal women who have an above-average BMI (body mass index) enjoy the greatest protection from a soy diet, and they reduce their chances of breast cancer by 18 per cent. Women who have not reached the menopause, or who are slimmer, don’t seem to get any benefits from the food. Researchers, who studied the health profiles and diets of 35,303 women in Singapore, found that a daily amount of 10 mg of soy isoflavone, obtained in a standard serving of tofu, had lasting protective effects against breast cancer. (Source: British Journal of Cancer, 2008;

Brokoli Mencegah Kankaer Prostat

Back to Healthy News I t's been called the miracle vegetable - and now scientists are finally beginning to understand how broccoli is able to prevent diseases such as prostate cancer. Men who eat more than one serving a week of broccoli have a much lower risk of developing prostate cancer, and it seems the vegetable can interrupt 'cancer signals' to the prostate. Researchers from the Norwich Research Park assessed the health and genetic profile of two groups of volunteers who ate a diet that was high either in broccoli or peas for a year. The broccoli eaters showed significant changes in their chemical signaling, and the researchers concluded that the sulforaphane found in broccoli interfered with cancer-causing signals to the prostate. (Published on Saturday, July 05, 2008 by Healthy News Service)

Black Tea Aids Oral Health

Back to Healthy News According to the latest research, black tea is beneficial for overall oral health. Black tea, the most common among the three types of teas -black, green, and red - helps to prevent bad breath and facilitates the well-being of teeth and gums. While drinking black tea, the brew is actually getting rid of oral bacteria in the mouth. Polyphenols, one of the key components of black tea, has been found to inhibit growth of oral bacteria. New research presented by Christine Wu and Min Zhu of the University of Illinois states that catechins and theaflavins--polyphenols present in tea leaves--inhibit the growth of the oral bacteria. The bacteria killing action takes place over a 48-hour incubation period. Research further reports that the two tea compounds also help to eliminate bad breath. The compounds inhibit the proper functioning of an enzyme that acts as a catalyst in the production of hydrogen sulphide, which contributes to bad breath. Black tea also come


How does estrogen work? Estrogen in females works as a messenger during each mensual cycle. Estrogen together with ovarian hormones , signals cells in the breast to divide and multiply. Estrogen also signals the cells of the uterus to divide. Other hormones signal the ovaries to make estrogen, and then the ovaries force estrogen into the bloodstream. Estrogen travels through the blood, but only travels to the cells that have estrogen receptors like the breast and uterus. Estrogen has a shape that allows it to fit into an estrogen receptor the same way a key fits into a lock. The estrogen and the estrogen receptor bind to form a unit that enters the nucleus of the cell and this begins a series of events that turns on estrogen-responsive genes. These genes tell the cells to make proteins that signal the cells to carry out important activities. Some of these signaling proteins can tell the cell to divide. Estrogen is mainly produced by the ovaries, the corpus luteum, and the placenta.

Mengenal Berbagai alat Kontrasepsi

Kontrasepsi adalah suatu cara atau alat yang digunakan untuk mencegah kehamilan. Umumnya alat kontrasepsi ini bermanfaat untuk mencegah bertemunya sel telur dengan sperma dlam rahim. Yuk..cari tahu apa saja sih alat2 KB yang bisa dipilih Pessarium (diafragma dan Carnival cap) Alat kontrasepsi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lubang vagina dengan cara ditekuk dan disisipkan ke dalam lubang vagina. karena elastis, tidak terlalu sulit untuk memakainya. alat ini bekerja menutupi mulut rahim. karena mengandung jelly spermisida, maka kemungkinan sperma tak mampu bertahan hidup. Diafragma dan carnival cap harus berada di dalam vagina sedikitnya 6 jam setelah anda berhubungan seks. Carnival cap ukurannya lebihkecil dari diafragma tapi di Indonesia jarang sekali memakai alat kontrasepsi jenis ini. IUD Alat kontrasepsi yang dipasang didalam rahim ini berfungsi mencegah terjadinya pertemuan sperma dengan sel telur. Lebih dikenal dengan sebutan spiral dan Copper T. Pemasangan Alat KontrasepsiDalam Rahim

Toilet Lembab, Pemicu Kanker Serviks

T ahukah anda, diam-diam kanker serviks di Indonesia kini sudah menjadi pembunuh nomor wahid dibandingkan dengan kanker payudara atau penyakit jantung yang menimpa kaum ibu. Setidaknya diperkirakan 20 perempuan meninggal setiap hari akibat penyakit yang menyerang vagina ini. Biang kerok dari semua ini ternyata virus yang disebut Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Berdasarkan fakta terakhir yang berhasil terungkap, HPV tak hanya dapat ditularkan melalui kontak kelamin saja. Virus penyakit ganas ini mampu menulari wanita lain melalui bibir kloset yang tidak higinis. Penjelasan ini disampaikan Dr.dr. Andrijono,Sp.O.G (K) dalam acara peluncuran Vaksin HPV di Grand Indonesia beberapa waktu lalu. Kondisi toilet yang lembab dan jarang dibersihkan menjadi lahan subur bagi virus mematikan ini. Dengan mudah virus HPV berkembang biak sangat cepat dalam kondisi basah. Apalagi suhu kelembapan di Indonesia memang cukup tinggi. Selain itu, cara hidup bersih di sebagian masyarakat Indonesia boleh dibilang m

Sarapan Sehat : Cara Terbaik memulai hari Anda

M ulailah hari anda dengan sarapan bermutu. Berikut beberapa tips yang dapat anda ikuti dari Mayo Clinic ( Sarapan bermutu pastilah menyehatkan dan menjadi energi tubuh anda untuk memulai hari ini dengan stamina lebih baik. Jadi jangan sepelekan sarapan. Pilihlah menu yang menyehatkan yang sesuai dengan selera dan gaya hidup anda, dan jadikan sebagai kebiasaan anda membuka hari yang lebih bugar dan ceria Manfaat Sarapan Sehat S arapan bukan hanya sekadar mengkonsumsi makanan, tapi harus dipandang sebagai dasar kesehatan yang lebih baik untuk jangka panjang. Tahukah anda, dari riset yang dilakukan Mayo Clinic, mereka yang membiasakan sarapan di pagi hari ternyata : mengkonsumsi lebih banyak vitamin dan mineral esensial lebih baik saat berkonsentrasi dan produktifitas lebih baik sepanjang pagi mampu mengontrol berat badan tingkat kolesterol dalam tubuhnya lebih rendah, sehingga mengurangi ancaman penyakit jantung Sarapan pagi secara khusus penting sekali untuk

Mengatasi Mual Saat Hamil Muda

B ahagia rasanya, tatkala dokter menyatakan Bunda positif hamil. Namun rasa bahagia ini haruskah terganggu oleh rasa mual yang berlebihan. Memang, pada trimester pertama kehamilan banyak wanita yang mengalami gangguan mual-mual, atau sering disebut morning sickness. Penyebabnya tak lain karena terjadinya perubahan hormonal didalam tubuh . Mual-mual atau morning sickness terjadi karena perubahan hormon hCG ( Human Chorionic Hormon) , namun ada yang berpendapat karena kadar gula dalam darah menurun. Uniknya morning sickness pada wanita bekerja malah seringkali nongolnya di sore atau malam hari. sedangkan morningsickness terasa parah dialami oleh wanita yang tidak banyak aktifitasnya di pagi hari. Sementara itu, meski jarang terjadi, ada juga yang merasa mual sepanjang hari sampai-sampai harus mendapat perawatan khusus akibat terlalu banyak kehilangan cairan dalam tubuh. Bagaimana cara mengatasi masa-masa morning sickness? saat bangun tidur, usahakan tidak langsung berdiri. duduklah du

Siapkah Menjadi Orangtua?

S atu hal yang sering diabaikan orang saat memutuskan untuk memiliki anak adalah kesiapan menjadi orangtua. Kesiapan ini meliputi mental, finansial, fisik dan kesehatan. Melahirkan keturunan yang sehat merupakan buah dari kesiapan orangtua, yang harus dimulai jauh sebelum janin bersemayam di rahim Bunda. Berikut adalah beberapa tip yang dapat dilakukan anda dan pasangan? kondisi fisik harus optimal sebagai langkah awal mempersiapkan kehamilan yang sehat memeriksakan kesehatan anda dan pasangan sebagai tindakan awal untuk mengetahui riwayat penyakit anda berdua. syukur-syukur jika anda berdua dalam kondisi yang sehat hentikan kebiasaan minum obat dan jamu-jamuan . karena dalam masa konsepsi atau masa pembuahan adalam masa dimana janin berada dalam risiko menderita kecacatan ubah gaya hidup dan perilaku yang merugikan anda, seperti merokok, minuman beralkohol dan sering clubbing. konsumsi makanan yang bergizi. jika sebelumnya anda termasuk suka makan sembarangan, maka mulai sekarang